Okay, there it is… this is the ring I got for Adolfo and gave it to him on Saturday. I have been sitting on it for a little while and finally decided to spring it on him. Adolfo seemed genuinely thrilled to have received it and has show it to some of his family and freinds already. I think he is happy.

Anyway, I am going to write more some time soon. I am feeling sleepy right now and will be home tomorrow evening. Hopefully I will have the energy to focus on this stuff and let ya’ll know my stresses. I have some new self-destructive thoughts and got overwhelmed this weekend by them. oi… Kisses… Scott

Almost time for bed. I am so sleepy. Nothing new to report except that I got an e-mail from my traveling companion who was very sweet and understanding about a lot of stuff… goodnight all

I’m home. Adolfo had a lovely dinner waiting for me when I got in and we ate… went to bad… and then… he he he! RIGHT ON BABY!

The trip home was painfully awful! In Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia) we were searched with a fairly normal routine. Changing planes in Taipei (Taiwan) we were searched again through a little more intense… had to take off shoes and check through bags blah blah blah. Then coming into the US we ran into mega-bitch and she decided that she was going to search everything thoroughly! This cunt-hole acted after my traveling companion told me we had to hurry to get to my connecting flight. She peeled though all of his stuff after asking stupid, asshole questions. Thank goodness a male attendant came forward who went though my things and was willing to expidite us on our way. So off we go to connect to my United flight and there is another infected cunt-whole running things there who says I had no choice but to wait in some long line and refused to give me any assistance to make my flight. FUCK THEM I thought and I managed to get onto another airline. Again, searched before getting in the door! ARGH I am sick of this over the top security bullshit.

I see and hear so many people agreeing to this like sheep because they “think” that the government is doing a good thing. How much security is needed? Now, that is a question no one can answer because there is a genuine threat out there. But, who are they stopping and questioning? Pasty faced average people while turbine heads cruise through security? I looked at the people they were stopping in Customs and these had to have been the most vanilla people on the planet. It’s easy to pick people that won’t posses any problem, and what security is really being inforced. Where does it become harrassment versus safety?

Turns me off from wanting to travel at all I tell you! Because of the airlines already treat people like shit, the government treats people like drones, and services are gradually vanishing. It costs too damn much to travel or trust an airline to stay in business and honor their mileage programs. Interesting in my travels especially with a company like national Airlines the inconvenience is always on the passenger. I do not think I have flow National once where they have been on time.

I bitch too much, but I would rather speak out then cow like so many people do. I was treated so poorly by ailines and security yesterday that I am soured on traveling all together. Perhaps there was an unusual security threat yesterday? Perhaps there were things going on that I did not know? Perhaps terrorits wear khaki pants by Dickies and I did not know? On the other hand, maybe Karma was just biting me in the ass??? I was told by my traveling companion that I was “a mean person” because of the way I handled some SOME people in Bali???

My traveling companion? Who is this guy who pays thousands of dollars for me to travel with him? The customs agent was unconvinced and I am sure other people wonder where all this comes from. He is a man who lives in SFO and likes to travel with someone and I am usually good company. I am brave and can be fairly sohpisticated when it comes to food and wine. I can also organize and make arrangements for entertainment… so I can be fun.

Alas, I still did not answer the questions. Alas, I must be off to school for my evening class. Maybe I will add more to this later this evening. Cheers!

As I write this it is Sunday 8:40 pm in Taiwan! I am very tired because in reality it is something like evening in California right now. I finished my book by Steven Saylor on the way here from Bali. It has an exciting ending and it was way cool. I asked my travel “buddy” to get me back on Sunday so I can start school on Monday without any problems. The trip has been a success so far.

I am anxious to get back and see Adolfo. Mom e-mailed me and told me she talked to him and I was happy to hear that. I hope he is happy about it!

I do not know I have much to write about right now. I suppose the pictures I will eventually post and all the chat about them will have to speak for me. I am so sleepy!

Love and Kisses!!!!!

Almost middle day on Day3 here in Bali. There was another little earthquake last night, but it was hardly noiceable. I slept well though. The room I have is absolutely lovely. In fact, you can see it on their website at www.thebale.com and we have the same view. The sunrise over the Indian Ociean is remarkable!

We went shopping while here and I got a local garmet, silver bracelet, shirt, chop stick sets, and a couple gifts here and there. This place is cool and the people are very different. We should have a little lesson today on the cutlture.

Had lunch yesterday at the Four Season in Ubud while driving through the country side. Dinner was at the Four Season in Jimbaran last night and it was okay. The entr last night was duck and some bad chick-pea variation that was awful. But, I ordered garlic mash potatoes with it that were awesome. We also had a champagne that was okay, but the best part was desert. I had a souffle that was pure sex in itself.

I also saw some woman drop in the middle of the restaurant. She fainted cold. The heat here is tough to deal with as it is 8 degrees south of the equator! I thought Thailand was worse though, but I still do not have the constituion to deal with this all that well. Thank goodness for random acts of air conditioning.

I miss Adolfo very much and am plagued with thinking of him. I feel like I am a plant without sunlight with him so far away. I sorely wish he could have come away with me on this trip. Or any trip for that matter. I suspect he and I will be very busy through January with our lives. At least we have the holidays and other plans coming to light! I hope that he and I will spend Christmas together in a apartmentr that we will share.

It is almost time for me to head out for the day. Here it is 10:15 in the morning. I see these posts get posted according to the server in where ever blogger.com is siuated. It is also Saturday my time and I will be heading home tomorrow. To come here I left on Tuesday and arrived on Thursday. To go hm I leave on Sunday and come home on Sunday…. that’s the international date line baby!

Thanks to those who sent me e-mail!

Talk soon…. Scott

It is 4:30 am in Bali, Indonesia right now and I am hre checking e-mail. I was so tired I fell asleep last night (local time) at 8pm. Sad, huh??? At 3am this morning we woke up during a neat earthquake! The whole place was shaking. No one else seemed to notice and I thought it was cool! Well, except the other guy in the room.

Only did some shopping and had dinner last night. I am getting a lot of pictures so in the coming days there should be some fresh postings on my site. The place looks over the Indian Ocean and the architecture here is something to marvel. You will see what I can sho in the pics. There are almost NO cute guys here! This is a place where fugly seems to be normal! The cutest guys are forrigners. I expereinced the same situation in Thailand when I was there a couple months ago.

I am sure Adolfo would think I was being a complete whore! He seems to think I want to hump anything that has legs… NO! So few people truly appreciate me. Ha ha ha!

Anyway, we are looking at going on a tour today. There is something called the x-files tour, museum and gallery tour, and a Kuta night life tour. This company doing the tours is not very responsive, so who knws what we will end up with.

Talk soon!

Since my last entry I found out that I was a day off on my whole trip. As I write this I am sitting in a Taiwan airport waiting for my next flight on to Bali. The trip on China Airlines was fantastic and we keep talking about what we are going to do! Who knows what pictures I will come back with???? I am totally looking forward to having some fun. I am told there is a place to see a monkey forest and another place where we can ride elephants! Imagine????

The airport here sucks but the Dynbaty Lounge for VIP flyers is really nice. Last time I was here they had some delicious food. The Dynasty VIP lounge in SFO kinda sucked, though. They had a lot of junk food…. blech!

The flight was great and there was a stewartress that reminded me of yjr girl who played Batgiel in the old Adma West version of Batman frm the 1960’s. She was cute and perky! Anyway… all is good. I shold be fine. I am glad I can update the diary from afar.

I will be staying at The Bali hotel (www.thebale.com) where I am amazed at the rooms. The place looks over the Indian Ocean and we will have a private servant in the room at all times! What a trip huh!?!?!?! Check it out and take care!

Finals were over on the 19th and I am only just writing out here in the mighty journal. Since then, I have been doing a lot while enjoying my time out of school. Adolfo and I went to visit family on the weekend having left the 20th and went to my mom’s and then off his his parents on the 21st. It was another great trip. Things seem to be really good between us.

I have been stressed beyond belief. Barely a night has gone by without a bad night of trying to sleep. In other words, I have not been sleeping very well at all. I just discovered that I may have made a huge error in planning. The buddy I went to Thailand with wanted me to go to Bali with him this week. I thought I was leaving 10/1 at night and as I look at the intinerary I just got a ferw hours ago it seems I was supposed to be on a plane 3 hours ago. I tried calling him and his phone is not answering.

I already gave away all my work hours for my part time job. I am also committed to working tomorrow morning at Sur La Table. I can’t get out of that.

I feel like hell right now… my stomach is an acid bath. Damn, this has been a stressful week. Argh, now I can’t think of anything else. Maybe I will update this again tomorrow if I am still here. This would have been a really cool trip had I not fucked this up. He is going to be pissed at me. I was already half packed to leave tomorrow!

good night…

I am still studying. I did really shitty on a quiz last week and the Chef gave me a chance to make it up and bring my grade up to a passing. I almost f’d that up for sure. It was a quiz on potatoes and rice and stuff… ie starchy foods. Ugh! I can cook any of them any time, but when asked “What is the ratio of water to rice if you are cooking wild rice?” or “What is the ratio of water to rice if you are cooking standard long grain white rice?” or “If you are making duchese potatoes, mashed potatoes, and (one other forgot name right now) how do the potatoes start out?” …. well?

Monday I had a quiz on eggs, cheeses, and some other less important stuff…. I think I failed it. Why, becasue I focused on the Eggs part and not the cheese part and now I have egg on my face. I guessed my way through it! ARGH!

Today we had a major project due where we delivered a restaurant we designed and we had to create the following: a floor plan, kitchen design, dining room, and a complete menu. Then, we had to cook a dish from each course in the menu appitizer, salad, entree’, and desert. Nothing came out the way it was exactly supposed to and I had to spend money I was not prepapred to spend. THAT SUCKED!

Oh, the answers were 2 (I thought it was 3), 2, and puree’….

ughhhhhhhhhh… Well, the weekend is almost over. School is almost finished for the quarter. 2 more finals tomorrow in Culinary and Friday is Speeh/Communication. Friday should be skate, though. After tomorrow it is going to be ooooooooover. Well, for a couple weeks anyway. What is next quarter going to bring, huh? I have American Regional Cuisine as the main courses of study. I still do not know what my GenED classes are going to be…

Well, now if can mellow out enough to relax and go to sleep tonight. My test tomorrow is on meat. I have looked at so much dead flesh that I woud seriously consider a vegetarian life right now… blah! But, I’ll have tofinish this veal cutlet first. Ha ha ha… Mooooooooo!

This week has sucked so bad. I worked an event last night which kept me at school 12 hours yesterday and on my feet almost the whole time. Damn, I was tired when I got home. Funny thing is that I barely noticed the time going by. I was so busy and so engrossed in things that I was good with all of it. I cannot imagine how some of my classmates dealt with 2 hours of dishes that needed to be done when we were finished. We made use of so many pans and crap last night.

Which reminds me. I plan on looking for a j.o.b. on my break and getting my business plan out. I am dividing myself again. I have some certifications to get taken care of like my health card and stuff before I can work here. I took my Safe Serve Test last week and will have that certification if I passed it. Argh… this is a long evening. I need to get off to bed. I am going to busy through Friday when I will be away for 3 days! Yippee!

Adolfo and I are going to visit family… he is thrilled. Well, not really. Ha ha ha… later ya’ll

Studying and other things! Between working at Sur La Table, school, and other things I have very little time. Oh, I have such a list of priorities, but you know what I miss a lot??? I miss freinds. I miss hanging out with old buddy Ed in Long beach and I miss Maureen n Boston. I miss the gang at Baja Cantinia off Copley Square. This is no reflection of Adolfo, do not get me wrong. I miss hanging out. I miss going off… I may have to miss this a lot over the next couple years, huh? I swear to God I am going to move out of this fucking town when I graduate.

I’m watching Anna Nicole when I should be reading my text book. I put some finishing touches on my final’s project for school tonight. I even went out and bought supplies I was hoping I would not have to buy. I spent 90$ on stuff tonight, most of which is for the project. I have a team of 4 at school and our project was to design a restaurant and come up witha business plan, design, statement for what it was about, and all that. About the only thing I got the group to decide on was that we would have a red table cloth. uhm… right.

Tonight I called the woman who was supposed to have bought the table cloth and she still did nothave it. So, I dragged Adolfo over to Cost Plus and went shopping. I got glassware I needed, red napkins, and a “natural” table cloth. The glasses I got were beautiful and perfect. They are red glass. Oh my God they were fun! Adolfo picked them out!

Ya know… starting Friday I had this feeling that Adolfo and I were going to have a fight this weekend. I just KNEW it was coming and we seemed to get close once in a while. Well, I felt the animosity in myself! I felt that it was coming and I reasoned that it was all inside my own head. On Saturday evening I went to the gym after work (6:30 pm) and there was barely anyone there. When I showered at 8:30 there were a lot a guys working the shower and some were fucking hot. I got a total woodie and got an eyefull (not lilterally) so I was supposed to meet Adolfo for dinner and I felt really guilty. I think I transmit that guilt way too loudly. I catch myself looking at a cute guy and then hoping Adolfo did not see I reach over to him (Adolfo) and touch him as if connecting back to him and absolving my own guilt.

Should I feel guilty for looking at pretty boys? There were two foriegn boys at Sur La Table on Saturday that were absolutely beautiful and I would totally pay tosee them naked or even clothed. Damn they were cute and I tried to be cool about it and all. Too many cute boys come into my store where I work part time. Oh, poor me… ha ha ha.

Anyway, I need to toddle off to bed. Did you get my new e-mail addy? scott@ahn2x.net