I was an artsy, queer kid that had more ideas than I had time or focus. My dad was a accomplished artist in his own and the weird thing is that I feel like he and I are more alike than I want to admit. The weight of that is detailed in the blog if you care to explore that.
There is a deep and frustrated creative beast inside me that has taken on a lot of projects and seen those rise from a spark and take shape. Most of the time they actually go really well. I have a Facebook page for My Art and My Cooking. The frustration is that it has only (so far) taken me a short distance.
In my later years I started getting involved with the #burningman (2)community and it was definitely a double edged sword. I did art for the event of my own accord for 3 years before I started building theme camps and community for the next 11 years.
My creative fields included: Writing, Building, Cooking and I am sure there are some other things I am forgetting.
Writing (click for #posts on my writing)
I am currently working on a trilogy of stories in the area of dark, fantasy fiction. I am not talking about it much, but I have Book #1 (410 pages) with an Editor that I am still waiting to hear back from. While he was editing that, I wrote Book #2 (500 pages) and have figured out what Book #3 will look like.
I do have a plan to work on a non-fiction book as a side project when I have time. I never have enough time, given all the things I have taken on.
Building (click for #posts on my art)
I made art for Burning Man a few years. This series of pictures are out of order. #1 was my first art piece for Burning Man in 2010 that I recreated the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I really thought it was clever, but turns out someone did it every year almost. #2 from 2019 features Hanuman in my living room, #3 from 2015 Burning Man camp I made for wall art., #4 from 2019 Burning Man for the The Land Of Monkey Theme camp I used to lead.

I have a big case of makeup and like to have fun with it sometimes. I have not done a half bad job on my makeup, if I must say myself. #1 & #2 were the same makeup for a Comfort & Joy party I went to. #3 for for a Glamcocks party. #4 was ALL OF US by Queerburners, and #5 was what I wore to work one day.
Cooking (click for a search on my cooking)

Sewing(click for #posts on my sewing)
This gallery has not been updated in a while, but I have some projects ahead of me. So I will try and add more to it in the coming weeks.