Heart Break and Self Doubt

I have been struggling a long time with who I am and where I want to go in life. At 59 years of age, most people have those questions settled. The vision of who I think I am and how the world responds to me is as different as the shores of an ocean. The […]

friday is monday

each week seems to blur into the other and I forget to make entries here. It actually feels better in the head to let out a little of my thoughts here and chill out a bit. basically, I have been approaching this year thinking I have to maintain a healthier lifestyle of some kind. Got […]

tuday… todai… two-day… poo-day

It’s been a fairly quiet month. Being on my new schedule it leaves me with less time to screw around with personal stuff on the web and stuff. However, I did manage to get some new things on HaloNet. I managed to start reading a new book: “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown. I also […]

food and friends… not what you think

I am watching Muriel’s Wedding right now and spent a good part of the day just doing things as exciting as that. Okay, I went to the gym earlier and watched a man try and lure me into a shower. I don’t know what the universe is doing today, but when I initially went into […]

Dead Man Blogging

Still sick… my life sucks. I am dying… somebody toss a daisy on my grave hole…. bwaaaaah! I am sucking snot, fighting an itchy throat, pooping my pants… boy, am I pretty. Well… at lest I still have 97.5% of my humor. And I am dressed well. When I came in one of the guys […]

Insane in the Membrane

When I feel stressed it affects me in a lot of different directions. I am concerned that I am driving myself nuts lately. This is not too unusual that I do this to myself. But I get more ditzy, sleep less, and fixate on things that I do not need to. It’s all negative. The […]

Kvetching 101

It’s been a few days… this new schedule is something that takes a while to get used to. I sleep through most of the day… of which I can hardly remember what day it actually is???? My schedule is that I work at the Venentian from 11pm to 7am. Anyone working in a casino never […]

In the light of my uncly Ed I am radiating with positive energy. See my previous post? Is anyone seeing my previous posts? I am hoping by displaying a new image that my site will start generating some new visitors. I am currently assembling my 2006 UrielsLantern site and am considering choosing a new domain […]

I’m not feeling very philosophical. Neither do I feel complacent. I have been thinking about friends of mine again, wondering how people are. I think about Terry and the stuff he is doing in some city in the middle of California… not one of those romantic shoreline cities, but in one of those places you […]

I was just talking to someone at work about the idea of moving out of this city. I talked about Chicago and Providence. Why would I want to move? Other than the summer heat, other than the complete lack of community, there is something about Las Vegas that is missing something for me. This place […]