no complaints yet….

I think the pic I posted on my last entry might give some people the vapors (Deb), so here is a new one. She’ll like this one. …so when I was up last night I was feeling pretty bad about a lot of things and had mixed feelings on others. I’m finding the second half […]

late night prattle

I remember when… I am too wound up to go to bed right now. So, earlier today I took the wayward puppy over to a local vet who will make an effort to find a home for him. He’s a sweet dog and has a lovely face. His eyes are brilliant which made it hard […]

Anger Management

“Look for healthy ways to express any anger you’re feeling today, dear Capricorn. While emotions are not always something that we can control, how we express and deal with them is. How do you handle anger? Do you communicate effectively or wind up stuffing your emotions? Do you sometimes take your frustration out on others? […]

And this…

I found this picture as I was looking at some of my stuff. This is how I looked when I first met Adolfo in 1994ish… that pic in the background was from a magazine called Provacatuer. I liked that model. I was working for Los Angeles Cellular Telco back then. I think life was pretty […]

moving on… …?

“Give your life meaning today by truly feeling the beauty in every moment you live, dear Capricorn. There is no need to beat yourself up about the past, so move on. It also does no good to beat yourself up about the present. You are at the right place at the right time, so don’t […]

Scott goes to Vegas and … loses Phone!!!!!

so… I got back from Las Vegas today okay. It was a weird trip in some ways, but I am glad I went. My plane was late leaving SFO… which makes me wonder why they bother telling people what time that plane departs for LV because it has never once been on time anytime I […]


There are some days when I walk around and I feel like there is nothing inside of me. As I walked to school this morning from my distant parking spot… I had some time for inner reflection. I’ve had a lot of time for that lately and I see myself in ways that I seem […]

happy sunday

I’ve had a headache the whole day. I stared my homework late this morning and got through some of it. Meant to be more ahead of the whole business by now. As usual my distractions got the best of me. My mom called earlier today asking me questions about the job search. Not like I […]

stressed out monkey

One day from school… so far it’s not a place I am looking forward to being at. My $$ for school is quickly running out and I am looking at the chance of not being able to finish unless some miracle happens. I have been looking at myself and where I am going with all […]


so, moving day began this week and i am still still – still in las vegas trying to get out of here. by all means i should be able to leave here before lunch tomorrow. i am right now operating on the barest amounts of energy i can manage. totla drive time is about 20 […]