happy sunday

I’ve had a headache the whole day. I stared my homework late this morning and got through some of it. Meant to be more ahead of the whole business by now. As usual my distractions got the best of me.

My mom called earlier today asking me questions about the job search. Not like I don’t have a ton of things on my mind already, but she is just so off the mark. “She worries for me”…. yet neither of my parents are really supportive. Not to get me wrong, I think they respect the decision I made but not the way I went about it. Both of them aren’t thrilled.

Yet, I am still trying to get squarely on my feet and I am not excluding any resource for it. I am very lonely and have literally spent too much time looking to make connections and really making none. I talk to people on-line and have been interested in a couple here and there, but it just fizzles faster than limp weenie. ew…

The day after I got here I met a guy that was just too much to believe. He was amazing, but young. Too young! He hung out a lot then got freaked out and vanished on me. I was fine with it because he was only 25 which means he was a whole adult younger than I.

I hate being alone. Yes, I have my uncle and cousin right upstairs but it’s not the same. Those two are entrenched in their lives and they have opened the door to me 120% – ya know – and I … I still feel lonely.

Adolfo was really awesome company over the years and we meshed well while we were together. I miss him, ya know, but so much has changed. I feel like I need to go through this, but this is friggin’ hard. I will survive and I will flourish.

Nobody read this who find me attractive, because this diary will ruin it. xo!

Posted in Uncategorized.

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