friday is monday

each week seems to blur into the other and I forget to make entries here. It actually feels better in the head to let out a little of my thoughts here and chill out a bit. basically, I have been approaching this year thinking I have to maintain a healthier lifestyle of some kind. Got […]

post holiday

Christmas was not at 3285 this year and I can say that I am pretty okay with that. It would have been better had I been able to either be with family or have spent time with someone I cared for (other than Tom). But, by the end of Christmas Day, I had Deb over […]

tuesday: supposed to rain tonight

“Bring your thoughts down to Earth, dear Capricorn, especially later on tonight. You may be flip-flopping through the day like a fish out of water, but suddenly, things start falling into place just as the sun goes down. You will find that people will be much more caring and sensitive to your mood later on […]

Sunday Night… oh, that was yesterday

School is finished for the quarter and just working… I am trying to accomplish a few things during this time from school. I have a cooking gig for Christmas again and I am hashing out the menu. should have finished it today… I have an idea. Missing Adolfo a lot, but it might just be […]

sherwood lost / other regrets

School is wrapping up for the quarter and I am just thrilled; my stress level is way above a 10. I am getting to the point of “acceptance” for these grades and it looks like I am going to tank in 2 of the my classes; I am not used to doing poorly. I am […]

i need a hug… a bj wouldn’t hurt either. HA!

“Feel free to let it all out today, dear Capricorn. It is finally your turn to stand up and say what you feel. Don’t let others push you around into places that you don’t want to be. The key for you is to probe deep with your penetrating mind and share your incredible insights with […]

the day after

“You’ll be full of ideas for improving your lifestyle, dear Capricorn, especially as it relates to your family. It is true that over the past few months you have experienced some material hardships. You can breathe easier now because, whether it is for your career or your home, today’s initiatives are likely to bring great […]


How does everyone like the new design? Holy frejoles peeps…. leave a comment below. It’s funny (no funny ha-ha, but weird-funny) how emotions inside me are so turbulent. There are days, especially when I am driving somewhere, when I feel like there is a huge hole in my chest. It’s an empty feeling and it’s […]

the "f" word

Deb left here a couple of hours ago staggering drunk and with a fist full of cheesecake and raw fruit. She stumbled and rolled in the grass, but after I picked her up covered with freshly laid cow poop, she spit out some grass blades and climbed into her car. Not really… ha ha ha. […]

one more day…

“Your emotions are charged with fury today, dear Capricorn, and you might feel explosive. Make sure you find healthy outlets for this energy, and put it to good use. Direct your action outward, and notice the incredible impact that you have on others. Your intuition is a special gift that you should treasure and use […]