Yesterday, I started thinking again. I meditate some times and I get a little vision of the present from outside of myself looking in. I have a hard time seeing myself which is why I value other people’s opinions some times. Like, there have been times when my parents tel me something about my younger […]

I am thinking aboutmy last entry. It sounded a little bitchy moany. Though I care a little if someone’s nose got out of joint for it, I was just venting. I have decided I have to search for the positive side of living here and there are aspects. Sometimes I feel like killing Allan for […]

I decided to complete school this week… for now. I took a lot of classes that can take me up to a certain level of MicrSoft certs, but in the end I do not know if/how/when I will use it except for my own good at this time. I keep seeing a different future for […]

Good news from what I can see… Tom is doing better. His eyes seem almost unnaturally large all of a sudden, maybe because he was squinting so often for a week or more before. He takes his medicine well … this includes 4 to 6 drops of one medicine in each eye per day, AND […]

Project GOALS is underway. My brain is working, I have already started taking some action. I am learning to focus and take some shape on what I need to do, where I need to be, and where I need to go. I have a couple of past debts to fix. One of which will be […]

Brian’s words were in my head today. What he said made a lot of sense. He said that I should think more of the NOW instead of …the opposite of that. He is eerily accurate about all that and it worries me. When I consciously think about it, I can stay in the moment. When […]

Goals, goals, goals… no excuses. No blaming anyone else. No more limits. No more worrying about what other peole think. I need to be ME! So what about Adolfo, Scott? WELL, we had another fight this week and I hit him with a lot of things I was angry about that went back to last […]

I graduated from school last week and I have to say that I am feeling a little relieved. Now I am also looking at a bachelor program that starts on 3/29… but I may need to wait until the next round of classes starts. University of Phoenix???? What do yuo think? Adolfo gave me a […]

Been busy working over the last week. I go to school in the morning and then off to the Venetian in the evening. Then once in a while I get a consulting gig. I have been looking somewhat passively for another private sheffing gig, but no luck in so far. Seems a lot of people […]

Money is a huge issue right now. I feel so pressed. Some may have noticed my last diary entry wherein I highlighted my freakout lastnight. I am loosing sleep over it. I am stressing to the point where I simply must have a heart attack soon. Should I quit school? Should Igo out and fnd […]