So, I manage site vistor statistics that are working behind the scenes of the web site and I can see where people are from that are visiting. One of them is easy – mom. Yes… mom’s been on the site a couple times and that’s cool. BUT then I am confoosed because there are people hitting the site that I have no idea who they are…

NOT COMPLAINING! My blog used to carry a lot of fans. The numbers dwindled at one point; mostly through my 5 year+ dysfunctional relationship with Adolfo. I think people were bored or just tired of the groaning (not the good kind of groaning).

California Cities

1. Tehachapi
2. West Covina
3. Palm Springs
4. Los Angeles
5. Redding
6. San Francisco
7. Emeryville
8. Dublin (not ireland)

US States
1. California
2. Nevada
3. Texas
4. New York
5. Arizona
6. Pennsylvania
7. Wisconsin
8. Washington
9. Kansas
10. South Carolina

World Hits
1. United States
2. Canada
3. Russia

So feel free to add comments or notes! I love hearing from people. Within the web site are 2 of my Tweets and I have a 3rd one @LVBurners which is posting on www.LVBurners.com


news and schtuff

The gods have spoken and announced where theme camps were going to be positioned on the playa. Sin City Village will be on the Esplanade and 7:30. A lot of our people are surprised, but some people I met on my journies have me a nod saying we were certain to be on the Esplanade. Yey….

At the same time… ya gotta scratch your head because that means our camp wil always be in a space where there are a lot of people wandering around. That means no peace… well, I’ll pass out eventually.

We have our first meeting a week from Saturday. But Bobbie has been working her ass off to make sure that everything is where it shold be.

So good news!!!! I’ll post more in the morning… time for bed.

A Letter to the LVBurners

Depending on what happens over the next few days… I wanted to pose something to the community and ask if ya’ll might indulge me.

I have been touched by this community and have been pretty open about it. In spite of differences in opinions, ideas or philosophies we do come together in a pinch. I know people really care about each other here.

This year there have been several burners that have met tragedy and I find myself moved by these situations. I’ve also seen a great deal of caring when it came to helping these people out when it was not even asked for.

– There were a couple burners seriously hurt in a motor cycle accident and both are making a slow recovery – these are people tied to our local burners as freinds.

– Another Burner (out of SFO) I believe named Holli was in a motor cycle accident in March and literally woke out of a coma last week

– And the latest was a Burner from the L.A. community that is still missing and his mother and the Burncast has been posting updates. His car was found burned out, his check card and business checks were attempted to be used fradulently, and so far 2 people have been arrested – yet he has not been found.

Been updating this on the Twitter page and on Facebook.

AFTER ALL THAT EXPLANATION: I wanted to see if everyone would be okay to bring a candle on Friday and light it for the health of these burners and good health of all our friends. NOW I know not all of our people are spiritual, but we also have some deeply siritual types here. Maybe a white candle for good health might be enough. A thought. For some people maybe a little prayer. It could happen to any of us.

I’M NOT LOOKING FOR A REPLY – you can tell me to shove it – it’s all good. But I’ll be out there Friday with a candle and a little offering – and a little prayer.

Love&Light all…

my Burning Man

This blog has been a catalog of my journey and education toward burning man. Alas, there is so much I go through that is no catalogued here at all. You can;t know what Damian – Cameron – Melissa – Indigo – Captain Bill – Dave – Amber – and so many more tell me. I can’t event get them to comment on Twitter let alone hit the Comment button below here to add.

Now, I am a “churchified” neurotic who is obsessed with Burning Man – losing sleep over the anticipation – tripping over my own idealism. Still learning new things. There is always something to behold on this.

So, I have discovered a lot of networks that are helpful. Now – being the web freak that I personally am… I manage one burner site – a tweet – a blog – and am active withing my immediate community. I also am actively networking with other burner groups like San Diego, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and am slowly trying to meet people in Los Angeles….

So here are some links I want you all to check out… mine are the first couple. I’m a selfish bitch….

  • http://bm2009uriel.blogspot.com/ (this blog in case you are getting this on a RSS)
  • http://twitter.com/LVBurners (me tweeting for LVBurners)
  • http://twitter.com/burningman (burningman.com on twitter)
  • http://twitter.com/burncast BURNCAST – a must have and…
  • http://burncast.blogspot.com/ and BURNCAST blog… they are on Facebook too

It seems like I am sucking up, but since discovering Burncast I feel like I have found another soul out there just as crazy as my ass is. Crazy? Obsessed? Drunk with keyboard juice? I dunno…

Now I seeing the end of this long journey getting ready for Burning Man and feel like when I come out on the other side – I feel like I will be able to take another fresh look at my world. I am worn out… but I am also driven. I am getting good at eliminating my expectations for while AT Burning Man… although I am sure it does not sound like it.

I fear the default world will be too present. I fear that the economy will keep too many real Burners away and too many “yahoos” (mundanes or whatever) will be there tossing their Budweiser cans into the road while high-fiving each other because they saw a pair of tits. Ugh!

My name is Toaster and this is my first Burning Man. I’ve been to 3 regionals, created the logo used for Dark Skies (which I take great pride in), and love the burners I know so much I feel like they are family. Unlike many people in my life I know these people will be there for me if asked (within all reason) and I know what I cannot ask. But a hug usually solves a lot…. Thanks for reading this if you got this far. Please hit COMMENT below and add a couple words and sign it with your playa name if ya got one.

New motivation

My new word for Now to September – simplify

I’d like to say I am done carrying around a lot of baggage in this world. I have stuff that goes back to Adolfo – back to Brian – back to Long Beach. There is this delusion I was building while I was with Adolfo and an idealism that never came to be. I wanted what the Jones’ had – I wanted what I thought was what amde life livable. So – I have a lot of shit.

Time to clean house – spiritually and physically.

Done – done – done.


Burning man has been twittering about stuff going on and BurningMan.com has been updated. Everyone is gearing up for the big one – especially as we seem to be getting closer to opening day. Almost a month away!

News – If you plan on flying into Reno and need to catch the buss to BRC you had better get on it now. Sold out for the first 2 days. The bus has seats open for Wednesday at this point.

More News – BM will be selling tickets at the gate. This is something they had said they would not do, but because of low ticket sales it looks like they are opening that option up.

Find more information about this on http://www.twitter.com/lvburners.

I am so excited about this event and am counting down the days. Use comments below to add your 2cents~!

Seems like such a long week. Kaidy was here for the first part of it and it was really nice having him here. I hope I did not bore him too much, but we seemed to do some nice things. Got some pool time in – as usual – and made a couple of really nice dinners.

Other than that, I am fretting over some of this medication I am taking right now. The side effects are a mish-mash of pluses and minuses. Not to go into too much detail, because I would rather not share too much info, that it makes sleeping somewhat difficult. Yet I manage to get what I need.

Last night was odd. Given the fire here in the apartment yesterday, too, it was not all that bad. They replaced the water heater right away. I showed pictures of the mess on Facebook.

Other than that… I am so fed up of this unemployment. But the benefits of it are driving me insane. I am not getting enough work done and this seems to be a perfect time to get some personal studying achieved. I want to read more on some industry related subjects.

Oh crap, I need to do something. -sigh


Just thought I would make a note. This year is passing slowly… yet one of my big milestones for the year is coming up… yes – Burning Man. I am looking ahead at the event coming in 41 days and wondering… what then?

But with all the stuff going on right now… a distinct lack of income, over committed social life, a dog that keeps getting hurt, and a sudden realization that I have too much shit in my apartment… ugh.

I have been examining my mortality again, too. I should be getting back my blood tests this week from my exam at the VA a week ago. I have to imagine that if there was anything important in the tests they would certainly have called me before today. I took these blood tests almost a month ago…? right?

So… life is decent. I am blessed – I know. I find myself worrying about my mom some times and thinking about my father (yes, I went on quite a rant about him a few times in the life of this diary). But – I miss the good side of him. My family ties are sometimes lost… but I found out 2 of my cousins are getting married within a couple weeks of each other… both are cool cousins.

All of my cousins are cool, ‘cept the one meth-head. My cousin Leah is such a cutie and she has such a beautiful kid. ALL my family has SUCH good looking kids. My biological sister has some beautiful kids! Same with cousin Raechel!

I am so jealous… guess that is part of my own mortality. I wanted kids so bad myself. One son. I would have been very happy with a kid. But I am so immature and so irresponsible to have a kid. I think I’d make a good dad. Right?


City Map Released

The new map of BRC with the newly resized center camp has been released:
click here

It shows the names of the streets this year and where approximitely where everyone will be. I can see they have the reserved areas for the theme camps. Where will Sin City be????

Can’t wait to find out!