Money emergency just made it… I ended up borrowing some money from someone I knew aho was kind enough to trust me. Otherwise we are making it okay.

I also had a wierd dream the other day and I still wonder about it. I was in my room and it had a large window overlooking a school yard. I could see a spout of oil coming out of the ground in the distance and feeling concerend about it being there with all these kids running around. The school yard was full of them. Then, somhow the oil ignited and all the kids ran away… no one got hurt. But the fire kept burning and burning in the school yard. I was sitting on the bed, sad about it, when Sophia Loren appeared at my window and was looking in at me smiling like the Madonna…. WHAT WAS THAT????

Anyway, I have been having problems with Adolfo ever since his family left here. He has been an absolute bitch. I am starting to get really sick of it.

Things are really tense right now. Stressing over money. Rent is hanging in the balance and it feels like it is driving a wedge between Adolfo and I.

On the other hand, I lost 11 lbs and am working on the other 30. Argh!

Life is very busy… so much so that I am not keeping up with everything very well. It does not help when (on occasion) I waste time. School is going well, but I have another instructor who is tripping me out. I have to wonder if it is me or these teachers that Chef Hoffmeister is hiring.

Chef McBride is his name… he seems way way too fixated on me and reacts to me in strange ways. If he is attracted to me or replused by me I am not sure. Either way, he pays too much attention to me in completely unproductive ways! Ergh!

Adolfo’s mom and neice have been staying with us for a week. His brother, sister in law, and cousin were here for the previous weekend. This weekend his sister, another neice, nephew and some guy who is a family freind are here to shop and hang out. I just found out that everyone is leaving Sunday.

Anyway, I have to run. Trying to get my FAT ass to the gym and then am off to work until 11 pm tonight.

Later Tater!

Yesterday was also very busy and my stress level is breaking heart-attack range right now. Neither of us make enough money to support our lives right now. Once in a blue moon we get into a finanancial pinch and here we are again! I have an electric bill demanding attention, cable, and then rent… not in that order. Chronologically speaking, power is the most immediate since they sent us a new love letter saying I should open it immediately.

What am I gunna do. I have 14 days to generate enough money to cover bills. Not impossible… stranger things have happened. Usually they do, but not to linger over this subject too long… who knows. Feels free to contribute by hitting the HOME link and using my PAYPAL link provided… yeah right.

You know I can see through my stats who is visiting me. I am not getting a lot of people it seems. I can see that I may be my biggest fan because I have popped into my own site to make sure certain pages were reading correctly. Next is Rochester Road Runner cable… i.e. my pal Ian. I also looks like someone in Las Vegas is checking me out, too. University Nevada Medical Center is also making visits… welcome!

Maybe it is the phychiatric ward?

I was busy all day yesterday with a early morning wake-up to take Adolfo to work, then I made a cake for a dinenr party. Then I was ff to work in a dash and spent the day there. At 6 I went to the dinner party and stayed til almost 10, then we went to the pool for a while. It was nice… it was an okay day afterall.

Adolfo is vacuuming and I am not doing my homework… shame on me. Anyway… I need to fly. Happy day y’all!

I had a busy day yesterday and I was gone from 8 in the morning to 10:30 at night. School all morning, then off to the gym, and completed my day at Sur La Table. It was a very busy day, but the thing is I like that. I like being busy like that.

I also have been listening to Linkoln Park so much I am hearing the music in my head when I am not listening to it. I turn it up quite loud in the truck and feel really intrigued with the lyrics when I am driving around.

Wierd though… I have this idea that no one could possibly know what a big fag I am when I drive around and listen to this stuff. I like being perceived at “straight”. Some girls were checking me out the other day and I was laughing so hard on the inside. ha ha ha!

Adolfo has been mad at me for a few days. He occasionally tried putting the frustration aside from me so we can relax… I cannot be open about the wource of the argument… but this one is ALL MY FAULT and this sucks. I can be such an idiot some times. No… I did nto cheat on him. Get over it.

Anyway… I have to work all night tonight. I’ll be there til 11 at Sur La Table. Bored out of my head! My mind slowly diminishing to dust. My drive for life crushed under the wheels of …. dramatic, huh? Anyway… talk soon.

I logged onto chat today and almost everyone is gone? Where is everyone? No Allan? No Brian? No Chippy? No Ian?

Adolfo had a mood swing last night. He left me a note and was gone before I got up this morning… in the note he said nice things. I am working and schooling the whole freeking day so I will not be home til after 10 tonight.

I bought Jack Danials Hard Cola last night… YUM!

Lately there has been a couple issues about my diary. I am wondering of having it is becoming a detriment. This has been used against me or against us lately in a couple ways. Not thrilled with that. Is there a danger to putting out too much personal information?

oh hell… anyway… off to school

Day#3 at school. Week is going well. Nothing to bitch about. It’s been a busy week and I am enjoying being busy. Sucks that I am not at a 100%. I feel bloated. I feel bored with my Job. I took my resume into Chef Hoffmeister for his review and I will hopefully get some good feedback from him.

Anyway, Adolfo made another great dinner tonight. He is soooooooooooo talented. He is soooo good at making saute’s.

Ilove him so much. We have been talking a lot lately about us and where we are going… it’s been good. We are thinking about getting married. If this happens I will send out announcments!

Today was the first day abck to school. It went okay. I have a new teached whom I have not warmed up to yet. He seems okay and he seems like a competant feller and all. We will see. I just want to learn some cool stuff.

For the next three weeks we will be studying Mediterreanean Cuisine. This week will feature Spain!

Anyway, I had to work late last night at Sur La Table. I was really busy which I like. After I got home Adolfo and I stayed up to nearly 2 in the morning just talking. I have been dragging my tits through the dirt all morning. We are going to bed early tonight. Yeah, baby… TO SLEEP!

I had a wonderful weekend with Adolfo so far. Friday night we went to go see LXG and just as the movie started we got into a fight and then when we got home we made up. He turned evil for a few hours… surprise.

Since then we have had a good day. We had a very romantic kind of day yesterday. We rolled around i bed in the morning like idiots, then went out for lunch to Pizza Hut. Shopped for a bit at the Boulevard Mall. I got a hat on clearance from the GAP… wha-hooo. Then we cam home and took a nap. Oh my goodness it was a great afternoon of laying naked in bed escaping the summer heat under the cieling fan!

Today I have to work. SprintPCS is demanding money… ashholes! I paid them so they can kiss my lilly white ass. Oh, and it’s white too!

Anyway, no one is reading my diary anymore. Poor me. No one loves Scott anymore. Boo-hoo… bastards. I never hear from people no more… what’s up with that? Love ya – mean it.

Oh my hell… it’s Friday and 114 degrees predicted outside. 90 degrees at 4 am this morning and it is going to be the same through next week at least.

I am so stressed out right now over all kinds of the usual things. I wish I could be more confident and self secure about a list of things… primarily money and being able to pay bills. Our cash is so tight right now.

Obviously I do not have a lot to talk about in my diary today. I do not want to gobble up time with the usual bitching and griping. Adolfo is good and Tom the Dawg is also good. My truck is running well and school kicks off again on Monday.

I have discovered I am probably repsonsible for my own stress. I am responsible for all my problems… I wish I had someone else to blame and be angry with about. Then I could sue him/her or whatever. Ergh… ha ha ha.