Good Morning

This day has started off very weird and I am not liking the energy in the air. I am sitting at work feeling really uncomfortable and feel a lot of anxiety building up which is just not good. Everything happened just fine at home this morning… got to the 2nd bus and the driver waited […]

In My Head

I am feeling very reflective lately and without any doubt it is all about the coming changes coming into my life. I made the leap from the plane to say ‘I am moving to San Francisco’.  I made a choice for change and I am falling out of through the sky headed for earth with […]

Identity Crisis

Since coming back from Burning Man I have made a lot of promises to myself, most of which I have managed to keep. These promises are all for my personal well-being and growth. However, I have been left in this cloud where there is a distinct lack of direction and ability to latch onto something […]

Post #2 : Daddy Issues

So, I have been reflecting on a lot of things and about a year or more ago I got to the point where I realized that my biological father was never going to be a good influence on my life. I counted on one hand events in my life that were good experiences: 1. riding […]


So, I had some time to think about this guy I got involved with and think that it as a huge mistake. He has no idea and no concept of empathy; which is fine as long as the attitude is not cruel. In a way it went there and he is so about himself that […]


Until about age 10 I think I had a good relationship with my dad. There were a lot of pictures (see the background of this blog) that show us connected. The one above showed up on my uncle’s facebook and I was taken back by it. When my grandmother died I remember us going to […]

Dark Skies is a mini Burningman (so I am told)

My last entry has an update. The web site connection problems to the Dark Skies site has been cleared up. It might have been the time of day or something bizarre like that… I dunno. But they are only selling 250 tickets total and I would imagine that by now those are all gone. Bummer […]


2 weeks to Greenstock. And according to the JackRabbit we just passed the Burnal Equinox. Half way to Evolution… If you have not got your tickets yet, please get them now. They are just going to get more expensive and you don’t want to wait until the last minute to decide. David (naked yoga guy) […]


So, earlier today I saw a picture of Sam on myspace and I thought… only he can look that good in a hospital bed where he is with his health these days. I talked to him through facebook a little later. He was so tired. He has also stopped taking ALL of his meds and […]


Guess what arrived in the mail???? Yes, my BEAUTIFUL TICKET arrived via post yesterday and it is gorgeous. According to the jackRabbit tickets will only be on sale for a limited time. I believe they said it will last through June or July. By then, unless you get a special deal from BM then it […]