Heart Break and Self Doubt

I have been struggling a long time with who I am and where I want to go in life. At 59 years of age, most people have those questions settled. The vision of who I think I am and how the world responds to me is as different as the shores of an ocean. The […]


I am trying to figure out if writing here is something that will be helpful. To raise this thing from the dead and put my thoughts on the internet as if anyone gives a shit seems a little narcissistic. I do not think that is who I am, speaking in present tense, though I cannot […]

The last 2 years…

When 2019 started it rolled into a year where there were growing medical problems in my mom’s household that demanded attention from family. I had started some personal projects that were not going well, my head was not in the game, and I was really feeling like things were not going my way. Who knew? […]

SGRF : Trip Report : Part 2

Less than a week ago I came home from the Wolf Creek Sanctuary (WCS) where the Spiritual Gathering for Radical Faeries (SGRF) was being held. I have known of Wolf Creek for years and dreamed of going there to be part of this liberating  witchy and sexual place in the woods. Is the fantasy bigger […]

I am a horrible human

So, I have been made aware what a shitty human I seem to be. It’s been been pointed out by other people inside and outside of my head. Outside my head I have began realizing there are a lit of people I love dearly whom I have taken for granted. It seems to evolve around […]

baggage from father

I often feel like my tires are spinning fast and I am getting no where. I have a place in this world somehow and at 47 years old I have not really found out what the fuck it is. If there is one thing I don’t want to be is anything like my father. It’s […]

Snap Shot

I have not posted a video blog in a long while. The only reason is that I end up spending an ungodly amount of time rendering it then uploading it… (heavy sigh here). The last couple of postings were a little weird… granted. I do have the satisfaction knowing that no one is really reading […]

a little prayer

The new job is going really well and I hope that it keeps going that way. I will do everything I can to keep it going that way. So, this is my new start and this is my new outlook. Given recent years of non-stop bad luck and consistent failure these recent blessings are really […]

My Burner World

When the year began I started questioning what I was going to do with the future of this Burning Man thing. The politics and hate I have been beaten up with by certain members of the community was really taking it’s toll. This period of waiting while Burning Man back peddled through making a decision […]

Projects Ho!

I have some really powerful community projects I am working on. They all pretty much tie into Burning Man in some way because it is a community of souls I have really adopted. It is important to me to cultivate that energy. www.nthtribe.com / www.twitter.com/nthtribe : is a project that will hopefully result in being able to […]