Thinking of 2012

Burning Man has still not announced the theme for 2012 and I think it is not a good ting. I think it sorta pee’s on the anticipation of the event because the theme is a source of inspiration for a lot of people. Rumors of the eventual demise of the Burning Man event are growing and it sucks. The shame really is the flow of frat boys and OC housewives making Burning Man part of their Bucket List and have no idea what they are involving themselves with.

Yes, Burning Man is an open and welcoming culture for people of all backgrounds. But not all people are of the same mindset in return. I met someone recently who had a near violent reaction when I tried explaining my position on the experience. I told her that I did not thing this was something for her and she exploded. So weird.

So in 2012 I am hoping to see my theme camp concept come to life and really blossom. Odd thing is a lot of people like my concept but are reluctant to really opt into it. It is Sun Guardians. I think it is a very special and amazing idea.

Alas with life and my balls in a vice like they are the longer things do not change the less likely I will be able to really carry out all the projects I want to take on – within the Burning Man culture and out.

I am writing today to make sure no one thinks I forgot to write or I forgot what was important. I have more balance in my support of this culture. I have wiped the glitter out of my eyes. No stars. No delusions.  Just a lot of hope.

Posted in Burning Man.

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