quick catchup

Well, been a lot on my mind and a lot of things I wanted to write, but I guess tonight is going to be a series of short bursts.

1. my car is gone and I miss it a lot. However, I am tying to maintain a positive attitude about it and focused on taking care of things I need to take care of. Just got to watch my spending. I feel like I am spending more on food and other leisure items. Meh… am getting back on track. pay bills pay bills pay bills get debt down a little more….

2. started bicycling to work about 2 weeks ago. I sometimes take the bus. But, the 9 mile ride one way has been great. It’s one hour each way… however, one night someone threw food at me when they drove by one night. I hope karma kicks their ass.

3. I love my job

4. I am going away this weekend to another burner related event. Well, not burner directly, but there will be a lot of people there and they do the same shit burners do, party. Got a group of Las Vegas people going with me. Yey!

5. I miss cooking for wads of people

6. I’m no longer looking for a boyfreind. I find I might be better of alone. I have no faith whatsoever in any of the guys in this city. None. nada. nicht. nyet. The guys here are pigs – shallow pigs.

7. Forogt about Thanksgiving until I was talking to my mom on the phone today. I bought a turkey and some stuff to go with it. Now, if it is just me and my dopey housemate then so be it.

8. I miss some of my friends I have not seen in a while.

9. I have been going out on Saturday nights and letting loose. It’s been good.

Okay… that was a lot of not a lot. so, I will try and put more stuff on here… hugs!

Posted in Uncategorized.

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