my brain

Sometimes your daydreaming may lead you way out of your body into a place well beyond time and space, dear Capricorn. Your romantic nature wants to escape into this plane and never touch back down to the real world. Feel free to take a giant step toward that which tickles your fancy. Take the more lofty approach and encourage others to share your dreams, instead of letting them weigh you down.

Wow, today’s horoscope is interesting. It is a true statement that I can get lost in the great idea over the reality that there is a lack of leverage in order to achieve that goal. Like opening a restaurant: a goal I have striven through over the last 6+ years.

So, the apartment is back in some order and its homey. I went running off into the night last night with Woody. We had a mission – go to the California border and buy lottery tickets. We got there at the stroke of 8pm… when they were locking the doors. Ha ha ha…. so – we really went out there so he could eat at McDonalds.

The other day I had lunch with DebW and over burgers on an impromptu lunch. It was good catching up with the woooman.

It was nice getting together with friends again.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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